About Us

Main Street America: Every community and commercial district is different, with its own distinctive assets and sense of place. The Main Street Approach™ offers community-based revitalization initiatives with a practical, adaptable framework for downtown transformation that is easily tailored to local conditions. The Main Street Approach helps communities get started with revitalization, and grows with them over time.
The Virginia Main Street Program is a preservation-based economic and community development program that follows the Main Street Approach by the National Main Street Center. Virginia Main Street offers a range of services and assistance to communities interested in revitalizing their historic commercial districts. While the program was designed to address the need for revitalization and on-going management of smaller to mid-sized downtowns, aspects of the Main Street Approach may be applied successfully in other commercial settings.
St. Paul Main Street's aim is for downtown to once again become an attractive marketplace with renovated buildings, new streetscapes, and improved connections to its environmental resources. Downtown St. Paul will aggressively pursue retail and industrial business development to fill vacant and underutilized spaces in order to create a renewed vibrancy in downtown. The intention is for ​St. Paul to become the center of a regional economic development effort.